Go Green — Five Eco-Friendly Tips for Beautiful Gardens with Less Work

When individuals think “go green,” they are usually discussing the reduction of pollution and not eco-friendly garden tips. However, even gardens could be a little greener and a little more natural. Here are five tips to help you transform your entire garden without spending a lot of money.
However, even gardens could be a little greener and a little more natural. Here are five tips to help you transform your entire garden without spending a lot of money.

Tips For Beautiful Gardens

1. Make Use of Natural Formations

Expectations dictate that gardens be flat and uniform. Few yards can lay claim to this trait, so it takes a lot of labor-intensive planning to create the perfect garden. Instead, stop! Take a moment to review what the landscape is telling you. Inclines and hills have extra moisture gathered at the bottom. Consider planting foliage that requires damp soil here. It will take longer for the water to evaporate, and you can add mulch to retain more moisture.

Some plants do better on a north-facing slope or south-facing slope, depending on their need for sunlight. Cherries and apples grow better on a north-facing slope because the temperature fluctuations are less damaging to trunks during heavy winters and sharp cold spells. South-facing slopes tend to experience a higher temperature range during the winter and increased sunlight exposure during the summer. Vegetables, grasses, and herbs will thrive in these microclimates.

2. Plan According to the Microclimate

Observe the areas around your home and choose items that would thrive in the current conditions. Yards can have several microclimates. Several unique characteristics easily identify these spots. The last place you find snow remaining will usually have the least amount of sunlight throughout the year. Shade-loving plants will thrive here. Areas that seem to be dry during the summer would be ideal for low maintenance plants.

A quick way to understand what your land is telling you is to look up the plants currently growing there. They will usually have similar requirements and often trade off each other’s strengths to create a better environment. Choose plants with similar needs and growth patterns.

3. Give the Land a Vacation

Taking a break is vital to restoring health. Your land requires the same care. Take a plot that seems to be producing less than you’d expect and allow it to lay fallow for a year or two. During this time, add well-decomposed mulch and work it into the soil. Allow it to remain undisturbed for at least six months before adding more compost. A little time off allows the minerals and nutrients to replenish and the bugs and insects to repopulate the soil. They are necessary to increase the oxygen and nitrogen exchange while allowing the compost to be absorbed deeper into the ground.

4.Use Rain Barrels to Water the Garden
If your location allows you to install rain barrels for your garden, do it. Hooking a rain barrel up to drip lines that lay around your garden will provide consistent moisture throughout the day. This can be especially helpful during the early growth phase when most plants need additional water. Not only will these barrels save you time, but they also prevent overwatering. During the summer, water barrels heat up. If you turn on the drip hoses during the night, this extra heat will provide an additional layer of protection to your plants. Sensitive vegetables and herbs will be healthier and last longer with the extra boost.
Choose items that work with the current microclimate instead of attempting to change it. Your garden will thrive, and the property will be beautiful.  
5. Install Solar Power

Solar-powered appliances make gardening more manageable by reducing the workload, protecting the plants, and increasing the overall appearance. A solar-powered water timer irrigates the garden according to a programmed schedule. Birdbaths and water fountains use solar energy to keep the water fresh by regularly cycling through a filter. Lighting is the most common solar usage source in gardens and continues to increase safety while also creating a soothing, relaxing atmosphere.

Take advantage of the natural benefits your landscape offers and use eco-friendly practices.  You’ll get more use out of your land, it will look better, and it will be less work in the end. Walk the area you want to turn into a garden and study it very closely.

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